Friday, December 14, 2018

How does Welphi work?

Here’s how to setup a Welphi process in 9 easy steps!

1| Create questionnaires
Creating questionnaires and setting up the entire process is quick and easy. Just let the app know who will participate, what will be analysed, which possible answers can the participants choose and that’s it.

2| Introducing and inviting participants
Leave all the heavy-lifting administrative tasks to Welphi. Just let it know who the participants are and, on the click of a button, they will receive an invitation e-mail. Further ahead in the process, reminder emails can also be sent to all participants or only to those who still haven’t completed the questionnaires.

3| Introduce study objects
Easily insert the indicators/goals/criteria/scenarios or whichever objects you will be asking participants to analyse.

4| Creating response scales
Welphi allows the definition of any kind of closed scales like for example Likert scales, or any other you feel better capture your participants’ opinion towards the study elements.
5| Create rounds
In order to start getting the participants answers and feedback, you will need to create a round. To move towards a consensus, you can set up additional rounds at will.

6| Producing questionnaires statistics
Throughout the entire process, Welphi provides detailed stats of each participant’s status as well as the current results for each study object on each round.

7| Creating rules for approval and rejection
At the end of each round, Welphi will enable you to define acceptance or rejection rules based upon which any study object can be either approved, rejected or be left unclassified for further rounds

8| Sharing round results with participants
In the beginning of each round, participants will have the opportunity to check the previous round results as well as participants’ anonymous comments. This information can help them revise their answers or keep the same answer as in the previous round

9| Producing statistical graphs for each round and for the whole process
Welphi will give you the tools to analyse your rounds, test different rules, and check which indicators/criteria/goals got the higher and lower approval rates

Get to know Welphi for yourself! Start a free trial at

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