Thursday, January 3, 2019

Welphi benefits

While exploring Welphi one can pinpoint its most beneficial features for both the groups of actors in a Welphi process, the participants involved in the process and the team conducting the study. These are the benefits of Welphi, amongst others, that best meet the needs of both parties and are listed next!

For the participants engaging in the process Welphi:

| Ensures anonymity, avoiding social pressure;
| Provides controlled feedback and statistical summary of answers, engaging participants in a non-face-to-face format;
| Enables the response of each participant at its own pace;
| Presents a friendly and attractive interface.

For the team conducting the study Welphi:

| Is suitable for large evaluation groups, geographical dispersed and/or without time to meet participants;
| Allows a rapid execution process;
| Monitors in real time the response rate;
| Automatically sends reminder e-mails for the participants that have not participated in the round to the questionnaire;
| Automatically produces summary statistics of each round;

Don’t let time pass you by, see for yourself these and other benefits in the vast Welphi horizon! Visit us at and start your trial today at

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