Controlled Feedback is one of the four key-characteristics of the Delphi method as a forecasting technic, and it takes action on the 2nd round of a Delphi process and onwards, in all the subsequent rounds.
In a Delphi process context Controlled Feedback is associated with the provision of anonymous feedback to all the active participants in the process, as to the number or density of responses to the question(s) in the previous rounds plus any new information/suggestion, typically in the form of comments provided by the participants. This anonymous feedback is provided through rounds to remove differences and try to streamline the opinions towards a focus topic, reducing variance in responses to the question(s), in order to improve the process’ output efficiency.
Here's how Welphi presents Feedback throughout the rounds of a Welphi process!
Starting the 2nd round, participants are presented with a screen containing all the percentages of anonymous answers provided in the 1st round of the process in a table, and are reminded of their individual answers, given in the 1st round, which appear pre-selected in a dark-grey cell. Assess to the previous round’s comments is also made available, anonymously, to the participants. To view these, participants simply have to click the “VIEW PREVIOUS ROUND COMMENTS” button, on the upper right corner of the questionnaire. By doing this, a window pops up showing participants’ comments relating to each criteria/indicator.
In this 2nd round, participants are invited to either keep or change their answers, provided in the previous round, at the light of the group information provided. After revising its previously given answers, for a participant:
|To keep previous round’s answers: Press the “SAVE AND NEXT” button, throughout the questionnaire’s pages, to conclude the round.
|To change the previous round’s answers: This can be done by clicking the “EDIT” button. By doing this all the answer’s options get automatically unlocked, enabling the participant to select new answers to the question(s).
Comments can also always be provided at any point. If a participant chooses to do so, by clicking the “BALLOON” button, the balloon icon appears “painted” instead of blank, giving indication that a comment was placed for that criterion/indicator. It should be noted that a participant’s answers provided in the previous round stays highlighted in dark-grey during all the duration of the subsequent round, acting as a reminder.
This example of providing Feedback to the participants in a Delphi process with Welphi was based on a 2nd round where aggregated data from the 1st round is presented to participants. However, Welphi always behaves in the same way for every subsequent round i.e, always showing the data from the precedent round.
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